Can intervention with Q10 and selenium slow down the ageing process, prevent cardiovascular disease and improve quality of life?
An investigator meeting will be organised for SELEQT-HF in collaboration with Pharma Nord on Tuesday evening 4 February 2025 from 17:00. SELEQT-HF is the first registration-based randomised controlled trial within the Heart4Data consortium of the DCVA. This study is initiated within WCN in collaboration with NHR and NLHI, investigating Selenium and CoQ10 as interesting nutritional supplements for heart failure patients.
This meeting is organised for centres already participating in SELEQT-HF or interested in participating: You are cordially invited to participate in this investigator meeting. This may also be of interest to the heart failure nurse(s) and/or research nurses at your centre. Please draw the attention of your colleagues to this meeting.
The programme for that evening is as follows:
- 17:00 Welcome buffet and registration
- 18:00 Opening and introduction by Pharma Nord
- 18:10 Nils Bömer – Q10 and Selenium – the biochemical underpinnings of the 2 substances and the risk of deficiencies in relation to heart health
- 18:40 Urban Alehagen – The KiSel-10 study and findings on risk reduction for cardiovascular disease through 4 years of intervention with Q10 and Selenium.
- 19:30 Break
- 19:45 Urban Alehagen – 26 substudies of more than 50,000 blood samples from the KiSel-10 study, a clear observation of an ‘anti-aging effect’
- 20:15 Peter van der Meer – The SELEQT-HF study A Dutch follow-up study of the KiSel-10 formulation – 2-year intervention in patients with heart failure
- 20:40 Jeroen Schaap – The organisation of The SELEQT-HF study and perspectives.
- 21:00 Closure and questions
Participation in this meeting is free of charge, but seats are limited.
Further information and registration: